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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7 Sins of Internet Marketing You Should Avoid

internet marketing mistakes

Getting started in internet marketing has been made easier with today’s current technology. Years ago, starting an online business would require substantial investments, and in some cases, impossible. That’s no longer true, as today, there are free resources that makes it possible for anyone with the drive and determination to start and build a successful business online, regardless of its size.

Now, here’s the downside. With all the tools, guides, tutorials, affiliate networks, several monetization methods, etc. that are available, comes the problem of competition. There are literally millions out there trying to make something out of the internet, and the question is, how do you stand out from the rest? Well, you can start by avoiding some common mistakes that some business owners make. Avoiding these mistakes, or sins, as I call them, will most definitely help you stand out from the rest, who are still doing it.

These sins may not earn you eternal damnation, but your business will most likely fail if you don’t shun these internet marketing sins.

This is where most people fail online. It’s an art being a good procrastinator. “You must avoid posting that post at all cost.” “You must keep from growing your social network.” “Surely there must be something better to do then work on your dream?” So we all procrastinate and I believe it’s the deadliest internet marketing sin, but how do we keep from being cursed by it. Here are some tips to avoid the pitfalls:

Write down your ideas as soon as they come to you. Even if they are jotted down. Then religiously come back and make a post out of it.Cut out all the other things in your life that hold your success back. Perhaps you smoke… cut back and quit. Stop watching so much TV… etc.Designate a time to work on your blog.Designate a time to drive traffic to your blog.Designate a time to work on your social network.

internet marketing mistakesWhen it’s your time to be working on your business a lot of us tend to have our Facebook open and e-mail. Then heck lets go check to see if we made some money over on Clickbank, Amazon or Google AdSense. No. You know what, lets look at our analytics’… that’s always fun. Sound familiar? People…Stop! Close all the noise off and work on your business and when you get your goal done. Then go check your e-mail, stats and social drama.

There are many loopholes and suggested traffic heists. When I first started I tried everything I could to get a sale. The long term dedication to make a real business just wasn’t there. So I started spamming Craigslist and to this day I have trouble selling a car or a washing machine. I think I made $5o bucks or so with all the spamming I did. I started getting into some of the sophisticated software’s and methods. It’s fascinating to see all the Black hat Ninja software that people can hack out.

“If a person would spend the time on their business that they spend trying to take shortcuts, they would have already succeeded. “

Internet Marketing PitfallsOk, I confess that I’ve tried loads of niche’s. This is sort of a grey sin area. There is nothing wrong with having multiple niche sites as long as you can make them successful. Yet a real business person needs a brand and a central hub to gather a big enough following… and why a following and a list? So that in the end you can make your own products and have a large enough audience to make it a success. So find your main niche for your business and keep at it until it’s a success.

With all the content on the internet, it’s easy to be drowned out. Especially if your content is mediocre. Not only does your content need to be unique it needs to be super good. The days are over when you could throw a post together and expect to get traffic. Below are some suggestions to keep your viewers on their toes:

Make a superb headline for your articles that will pull people in and keep them reading.Make the content of your posts enjoyable so they keep reading.Cover controversial topics.Provide a different slant.Include Q and A in your posts.Make a poll as part of your posts.Be funny and intelligent.Paint a picture as you write.Be brief…Get the reader to perform an action at the end of the post.

There is so much to learn when it comes to building an online business. Don’t be afraid to learn something new (as long as it’s ethical.) Keep up on the latest trends, but don’t be boggled down by them.

With all the one click wonders and ninja traffic heisting mechanisms that fill your inbox, it’s easy to be caught up in the get rich schemes. I’m here to tell you that that stuff don’t work. There is no autopilot millionaires. Those people work hard to get your e-mail and swap it back and forth with each launch. Most of those products are re-written, re-branded and then re-launched. There is nothing wrong with software that will make your business online easier and a success though. As long as the product is inline with what you are already doing and it semi-automates some of the workload for you.

Has your business been suffering from one or more of the above? It’s time to turn from the dark side my friend. It’s time to turn from your black hat…procrastinating… autopilot riches ways. It’s time to give the Google god what it wants. Real good content … Before Google runs out of animal names to name it’s updates after.

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